Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Story of the Navajo Code Talkers(Vid) - NOTES

·         Used in WWI, but different language
·         Spies unable to break Navajo code
·         Navajos language almost unbreakable
·         Two ways of code in Navajo
·         All code talkers memorized code
·         2 Code talkers assigned to battalions
·         Codes very brief
·         Code talkers mainly in Pacific
·         Mainly Marines in Pacific
·         Many rights for Indians were granted after War (vote, equality, peace)

·         (At time of Video) only 5 code talkers were left

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5 Questions for Chapter Seven of "Call of the Wild" (#6) (FINALE)

Want to unleash your inner beast... AND lose weight? Click HERE! 
  1. Why does the "Hairy man" protect Buck?
  2. Why is the wolf scared of Buck?
  3. How are Buck and the Wolf not killing each other?
  4. How could a dog have killed an entire group of Indians?
  5. Do the wolves recognize Buck as a Leader?

Monday, September 28, 2015

5 Questions for Chapter Six of "Call of the Wild" (#5)

Want a dog to rescue you? Click HERE!

  1. How did Thornton freeze his toes?
  2. Is Thornton truly a good owner? (Fights at bars, Falling in rivers, betting on dogs, etc.)
  3. Why would Thornton tell Buck to jump off of the ledge and Buck obey his command?
  4. Did Buck kill the man at the Bar?
  5. How did Buck pull a sled more than his weight?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Questions on Chapter Five of "Call of the Wild" (#4)

This GIF makes sense if you have read the chapter.

Want to go dog sledding in Alaska? CLICK HERE!

  1. Why are the dogs delivering mail?
  2. Why do the two North-men get rid of the dog team?
  3. Why Hal and Charles in the North?
  4. Why did Charles MARRY HIS SISTER!?!
  5. Do the other dogs hate their new owners as much as Buck does?

5 Questions for Chapter Four of "Call of the Wild" (#3)

Want to get supplies for your next dog sled trip to Alaska? Click HERE to learn more!

  1. Why is Sol-leks scared of Buck?
  2. Is Buck a Good leader?
  3. Does Francois show Buck respect after chasing him off?
  4. Does the Chapter title have to do with Buck earning his leadership?
  5. What happened to Dave?

Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Questions for Chaper Two of "Call of the Wild" (#2)

Want to visit the "Call of the Wild" museum? CLICK HERE!

  1. Why would the other dogs react in such fierce ways?
  2. Was Buck hurt when Curly was killed (emotionally)?
  3. Why do the men laugh after seeing one of their dogs dead?
  4. If Buck was given a choice to go back to the farm, would he?
  5. Are the other dog's attitudes effecting Buck?