Tuesday, September 15, 2015

"Call of the Wild" Chapter Title Predictions/Observations

Sorry it is so small...

  1. The main character goes into some sort of primitive state (goes into a forest, desert, etc.) Or maybe he/she lives by him/herself.
  2. Could be how in the forest/desert that it’s man vs. beast (club for human, fang for animal.) It could also literally be a club as in a group of people and how they discuss the rules (laws.)
  3. Dominant = most important, Primordial = from beginning of time | Means “The Early Important Beast” Could talk about an old beast who plays an important role in the story. Beast could mean an old human of some sort.
  4. Referencing back to the club, the main character could have won leadership in the club could have won “leadership of the forest and animals.”
  5. Toil = work extremely hard or incessantly (constant); could mean how hard the main character has worked to get to where he is at now. On some sort of “path” he has worked to get on.
  6. Could be how the Main Character loves being a man. Could also mean that the main character loves a manly figure such as his father.
  7. Maybe referencing to the title of the book, “Call of the Wild.” The main character finally hears his calling in the wild, he has completed the path, he has won mastership, he finds his purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Superb hypotheses, Wing. I especially like the way you looked up some of the more difficult words in order to make a more educated guess.
