Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Short Story of Earth's Destruction

*Here are some predicted dates of the end of the World.

There it was. The long awaited destruction of Earth, my home planet. A group of about 100,000 people, including my family, had flew to the base on Mars. Only the richest were able to board, anyone else was left to wait for the moon to crash into Earth.  My family and I huddled around the telescope to see Earth’s destruction. The moon got closer and closer to earth. When it finally hit, a flash filled the lens of the telescope. You could almost hear the screams of the people who didn’t make it on the ship on time. Pieces of Earth flew in all directions and within a few seconds, there was nothing. We knew that we could not stay here for long. The Scientists said that Earth’s destruction would alter the course of Mars. Everyone else had hit the hay, but I stayed to watch the rubble float in all directions. After a couple more hours of staring, I went to my capsule and tried to sleep. I wasn’t that upset. Most of my mourning was when we first took off which was six years ago. A date was predicted and we didn’t wait until the last second. We knew a couple more ships were on their way. It wasn’t that bad, it was almost peaceful. Earth’s destruction was some kind of some highly anticipated event that brought me at peace. I had slept well that night.

1 comment:

  1. Very nicely written, Wing. You set up a likely scenario, and your relative sangfroid perhaps shows the results of being so far from home for such a long, long time.
