Thursday, August 20, 2015

My Trip to France! (Summer 2015)

*Note: Please forgive any misspelled French Words. Leave a comment and I will fix any errors.

             This summer, my family and I traveled to France! The plane ride was very nice and comfortable. The first thing we did in France was go to the super market. It was so big, people were traveling around on roller skates inside the store. When we finished shopping, we drove to our first campsite which was near a château. While camping here we went to Leonardo Da Vinci’s house and shopped at the local shops. Da Vinci’s house was quite small for such a famous artist, but had a huge garden. Our next stop was a château that was built over a river! It was four stories tall and was used throughout history, such as World War I. It had several gardens surrounding it and many benches to soak up the atmosphere. Next we drove to a small villa in the mountains owned by family friends, the Shipdkas [shh-pid-kaz]. The villa was very cozy and comfortable. While staying at the villa, we went to a cave and shopped at local stores and morning markets. When we left, we traveled to Nime, a Roman city. In the middle of the city was a coliseum. Near the city was a Roman aqueduct that was used for more than just carrying water to Nime and nearby cities. In the early 1900’s, it was used as a bridge to cross the river below. We swam in the river below while also hunting for rocks. Our next stop was Chambor, a giant castle with many shops inside. We bought gifts and souvenirs. Next we drove to Rocamadour, a castle built on the side of a cliff! The town below had many shops and restaurants, but the top of the cliff had an amazing view! Our next location, which was one of my favorites, was Normandy. We traveled to both American and German cemeteries. At sunset, we walked down to the beach to admire the scenery. We also went to several museums around the area. Our last stop was Paris, my overall favorite. We took the metro to each location in Paris. We first went to the Louvre to see the Mona Lisa and other famous pieces. We then walked to the Eiffel Tower. We did not go up due to the long lines. The next day we took the metro to Pompidou, a modern art museum. It was very, very strange. So strange it gave me a headache (or it was museum fatigue.) The headache aside, it was a nice are museum. After the art museum, we drove back to our campground to rest for tomorrow. When we woke up the next day, we took a vote to see Monet’s garden. While everyone else hated it, I really enjoyed it and was glad we went. After the garden, we drove back to town to shop. On our final day of sightseeing, we went to Notre Dame. We waited in line to enter the giant church and when we entered, it was so grand and extravagant I cannot put it into words. After seeing the inside of the church, we ate lunch and headed for the Eiffel Town for a family picture. We then took another vote and decided to go on a boat tour, which brought us by some of Paris’s most famous landmarks. The Next day we packed and left for America! This was truly a memorable trip!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful travelogue! Why did everyone else hate Monet's garden but you liked it? I like the way you all got cast votes as to what you would see and do: democracy in action. Do you have a photo you can add to your excellent written account?
