Tuesday, September 29, 2015

5 Questions for Chapter Seven of "Call of the Wild" (#6) (FINALE)

Want to unleash your inner beast... AND lose weight? Click HERE! 
  1. Why does the "Hairy man" protect Buck?
  2. Why is the wolf scared of Buck?
  3. How are Buck and the Wolf not killing each other?
  4. How could a dog have killed an entire group of Indians?
  5. Do the wolves recognize Buck as a Leader?

Monday, September 28, 2015

5 Questions for Chapter Six of "Call of the Wild" (#5)

Want a dog to rescue you? Click HERE!

  1. How did Thornton freeze his toes?
  2. Is Thornton truly a good owner? (Fights at bars, Falling in rivers, betting on dogs, etc.)
  3. Why would Thornton tell Buck to jump off of the ledge and Buck obey his command?
  4. Did Buck kill the man at the Bar?
  5. How did Buck pull a sled more than his weight?

Thursday, September 24, 2015

5 Questions on Chapter Five of "Call of the Wild" (#4)

This GIF makes sense if you have read the chapter.

Want to go dog sledding in Alaska? CLICK HERE!

  1. Why are the dogs delivering mail?
  2. Why do the two North-men get rid of the dog team?
  3. Why Hal and Charles in the North?
  4. Why did Charles MARRY HIS SISTER!?!
  5. Do the other dogs hate their new owners as much as Buck does?

5 Questions for Chapter Four of "Call of the Wild" (#3)

Want to get supplies for your next dog sled trip to Alaska? Click HERE to learn more!

  1. Why is Sol-leks scared of Buck?
  2. Is Buck a Good leader?
  3. Does Francois show Buck respect after chasing him off?
  4. Does the Chapter title have to do with Buck earning his leadership?
  5. What happened to Dave?

Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Questions for Chaper Two of "Call of the Wild" (#2)

Want to visit the "Call of the Wild" museum? CLICK HERE!

  1. Why would the other dogs react in such fierce ways?
  2. Was Buck hurt when Curly was killed (emotionally)?
  3. Why do the men laugh after seeing one of their dogs dead?
  4. If Buck was given a choice to go back to the farm, would he?
  5. Are the other dog's attitudes effecting Buck?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

5 Questions for Chapter One of "Call of the Wild" (#1)

If you ever wanted to learn about Maine's oldest RV center called "Call of the Wild", CLICK HERE!

But seriously, here are the Questions:

  1. Is Buck truly the "ruler" of all the other dogs?
  2. Why would the author start out with saying that Buck does not read newspapers?
  3. Could Buck refer to someone in real life?
  4. What is Chinese gambling?
  5. Why would a dog be something of value in gambling?
  6. How does Buck know he is in a train?

"Call of the Wild" Chapter Title Predictions/Observations

Sorry it is so small...

  1. The main character goes into some sort of primitive state (goes into a forest, desert, etc.) Or maybe he/she lives by him/herself.
  2. Could be how in the forest/desert that it’s man vs. beast (club for human, fang for animal.) It could also literally be a club as in a group of people and how they discuss the rules (laws.)
  3. Dominant = most important, Primordial = from beginning of time | Means “The Early Important Beast” Could talk about an old beast who plays an important role in the story. Beast could mean an old human of some sort.
  4. Referencing back to the club, the main character could have won leadership in the club could have won “leadership of the forest and animals.”
  5. Toil = work extremely hard or incessantly (constant); could mean how hard the main character has worked to get to where he is at now. On some sort of “path” he has worked to get on.
  6. Could be how the Main Character loves being a man. Could also mean that the main character loves a manly figure such as his father.
  7. Maybe referencing to the title of the book, “Call of the Wild.” The main character finally hears his calling in the wild, he has completed the path, he has won mastership, he finds his purpose.

Opinions on Taking Other Countries

Today, we discussed if it was "ok" to take other countries from both points of view.

·         Taking over another country would provide the country with more land. Rome took over several countries and became the biggest Empire in the world and lasted for several decades.
·         The country gets more support from the other country. The more powerful country can provide many services that that country could not provide before.
·         If the country was taken over, it was probably for the best anyway. That country might have not even cared anyway and was probably not that powerful.
·         Taking something without ones permission is stealing. When a country is stolen, people’s rights are also stolen.
·         Most people will not agree with another country taking over. If another country took over America, almost everyone in the United States would not approve.
·         Imperialism starts wars. World War I started because of Imperialism. If another World War started, there would nothing left. Albert Einstein Stated “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

Friday, September 11, 2015

Possible Book Titles or History Courses Assignment

Today, Our teacher assigned us to make up History Book titles or History Courses based on the SMERFCAPS.

Click here to Hear other people's definition of History

1. The Segregation of Blacks in New York, 1950

2. Battles in Texas: Civil War

3. European Currency in the 19th Century

4. Greece, Greeks and Their Gods: The Complete History of Greek Gods Before Christ

5. Soviet Union Diplomacy during the Cold War

6. The Noisy Nineties: The Music that Changed America

7. Documents of the Tower of London in the 20th Century

8. The 2008 Election of Barak Obama: The First African-American President

9. The Invention of the Internet across the Globe in the 1990’s

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Short Story of Earth's Destruction

*Here are some predicted dates of the end of the World.

There it was. The long awaited destruction of Earth, my home planet. A group of about 100,000 people, including my family, had flew to the base on Mars. Only the richest were able to board, anyone else was left to wait for the moon to crash into Earth.  My family and I huddled around the telescope to see Earth’s destruction. The moon got closer and closer to earth. When it finally hit, a flash filled the lens of the telescope. You could almost hear the screams of the people who didn’t make it on the ship on time. Pieces of Earth flew in all directions and within a few seconds, there was nothing. We knew that we could not stay here for long. The Scientists said that Earth’s destruction would alter the course of Mars. Everyone else had hit the hay, but I stayed to watch the rubble float in all directions. After a couple more hours of staring, I went to my capsule and tried to sleep. I wasn’t that upset. Most of my mourning was when we first took off which was six years ago. A date was predicted and we didn’t wait until the last second. We knew a couple more ships were on their way. It wasn’t that bad, it was almost peaceful. Earth’s destruction was some kind of some highly anticipated event that brought me at peace. I had slept well that night.