Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Opinions on Taking Other Countries

Today, we discussed if it was "ok" to take other countries from both points of view.

·         Taking over another country would provide the country with more land. Rome took over several countries and became the biggest Empire in the world and lasted for several decades.
·         The country gets more support from the other country. The more powerful country can provide many services that that country could not provide before.
·         If the country was taken over, it was probably for the best anyway. That country might have not even cared anyway and was probably not that powerful.
·         Taking something without ones permission is stealing. When a country is stolen, people’s rights are also stolen.
·         Most people will not agree with another country taking over. If another country took over America, almost everyone in the United States would not approve.
·         Imperialism starts wars. World War I started because of Imperialism. If another World War started, there would nothing left. Albert Einstein Stated “I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”

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